25”, color, 16/9, hand processed found footage, 2023
Hand processed by Sara Bonaventura during a workshop with Peter Lichter at Analogica

Reconstructing matter as having dynamic agency between a structuralist loop and a quote,
this analogue short is a tribute to Donna Haraway and her seminal “Staying with the trouble”,
evoking women labour in the knitted content of the textual image: the frame depicts women hands knitting
and is manipulated and scratched with knitting needles by my own hands.
The nature of matter itself is a problem for women (and a core concept for materialist feminist theory).
Thus the choice of non-camera film is somewhat political, realized with anonymous found footage, which I hope suggests that
knowledge is indeed a fragmented, dynamic, multi-layered, embroidered quilt, as much as matter.

Featured On/Screenings:
20th Experiments in Cinema, Albuquerque, New Mexico (US), 2025
L’Alternativa, Participatory Microcurts Bodies Hall, CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporània Barcelona (ES), 2024
Craft Films Index and screening, Millenium Film Workshop, Brooklyn, NYC (US), 2024
RPM 24 Revolutions Per Minutes Festival Festival, Boston Goethe Institute, Boston (US), 2024